Pasta & sports are a lifestyle – Silver 2023

TitlePasta & sports are a lifestyle
ClientDanah pasta
CountrySyrian Arab Republic
CategoryOther - Illustration
Freelancer / AgencyDana Bahbouh
CountrySyrian Arab Republic

Pasta & sports are a lifestyle – Astronomical horoscopes in pasta style Since I work in a well-established company in the pasta industry (Dana pasta) for a long time.. I hold every period a promotional advertising campaign for the product in a modern, sophisticated and creative style, so I launched two campaigns: The first is sports and pasta are a way of life The design is to integrate all sports with the existing pasta forms and the reason for the campaign is that Dana pasta is manufactured healthily, as it contains 100% durum wheat semolina, which does not cause fat like the rest of the pasta. As for the second advertising campaign, who among us is interested in the astronomical horoscopes, even if out of curiosity, and the country of the product, which is Syria cares about the astronomical horoscopes very much, so the horoscope campaign was launched by seeing Dana pasta

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